
   “Principles,” according to Webster:  “A source, origin or cause from which a thing proceeds, a foundation, conduct consistently directing one’s actions; devotion to what is right and honorable as a trait of character.”

   America’s foundation was not laid upon a certain area of earth’s surface, it was laid in the hearts of men.  Out of the heart of our founding fathers were principles which laid America’s foundation.  They did not fight England for this parcel of land we call “America.”  They fought for their natural God-given principles.  If England would not have messed with these principles they would not have separated.

   Once the Revolutionary War was won the principles from out of the hearts of these men formed and sealed documents from which every American agreed to live by.  It was a Nation of the people, by the people, and for the people.  All the American people fought then, and fought on, for these principles.  Patriotism is loyalty to the principles our forefathers held dear, and lived and died for.  God was their Guide and Leader.  In Him they lived, moved, and had their being, and that is why “out of their heart” came these principles.

   America was once a Beacon of Light around the world because of our principles.  Many today have no clue of the pr ...

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