Get Personal With Your Testimony

   When sharing your faith, have you ever asked someone about their spiritual life only to have them say, “That’s too personal?”

   Sharing your testimony — your story of how God has changed your life — is a great way to get personal in your spiritual conversations. As Christians, our testimonies are like salt tablets. They can make non-Christians thirsty for the water of life. And when others see our willingness to be open with our story, they will be more comfortable to share their stories. 

   People may debate Scriptural principles, but no one can argue with your personal experience with God: how He blessed you, changed you, encouraged you, and transformed you. The Bible says, “whoever has the Son has life” (1 John 5:12). If we have eternal life, we should share that with others. 

   Think about it. Our personal story is the most original contribution we bring when witnessing for Christ. It’s often the first thing that’s shared in a spiritual conversation because it’s familiar. After all — it’s your story.  

   Don’t try to put your whole life into one story.  Most conversations are limited in time, so it’s best to shape your testimony to be about three minutes. Simply talk about an area of your life where you saw God working — a new job, a family situatio ...

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