From Garden to Garden

   Gardening season is heavy upon us! Anyone else out there an avid gardener? I think part of why we love gardening so much is that we were wired by God to sow and tend and harvest. Adam and Eve were in the garden with God. Jesus was in several gardens as well. These gardens, talked about in the Gospels, are some of my favorites. In His journey from garden to garden, Jesus left us a beautiful picture. The garden of Gethsemane would start the journey to the cross, where our Savior would die for our sins. And after His resurrection, we know He showed up to Mary in the garden where the tomb could not hold Him. In this journey from garden to garden, Jesus goes through four “G” places and  shows us that His steps in dying FOR our sin would leave us an example of how to die TO our sin. Let’s get our hands into the soil of Scripture together…  

   Matthew 26:36-39 (portions) (Christian Standard Bible) “Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and He told the disciples, ‘Sit here while I go over there and pray.’ He said to them, ‘I am deeply grieved to the point of death.’ …Going a little farther, He fell face down and prayed, ‘My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.’”  

   Among the olive trees of the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus pressed and stretched His will befo ...

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