A Tragic Waste

   The USA was settled by people who believed in God as Creator and many believed in Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The Ten Commandments were held forth as a moral code for human conduct. The Bible was believed to be God’s Word. 

   The new nation prospered and grew to become a great nation — a world power under God’s blessing. This was followed by a decline.  And what was the cause of the decline? Now, for nearly three generations, the public education has taught a theory that man developed from a process called evolution and God was completely ignored as Creator. Many schools actually forbid the use of anything from the Bible to be taught. So instead of truth, they have spent billions of dollars teaching lies that were designed to make people forget God!  What a tragic waste of human personalities and human resources!

   There is so much to be learned from the Bible that can bless our lives. Even though many people do not think rightly about God, yet any recognition of God blesses the life. As one experiences those blessings, he gains knowledge of God and hopefully at some point he discovers the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how to be saved from his sins. 

   The freedom of religion has spawned a great variety of religions — some true and some false. God honors true faith wherever it is. “The Lord knows them that are His. And let everyone ...

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