Start Thinking and Live Healthier

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:

   I only started thinking about 35 years ago, because I was just like most Americans, who are programmed in the public schools and only taught “remembering.”  When you start thinking, you will discover that much of what we were taught was lies.  When they took the truth book out of the classroom  and got away with it, that’s when the manipulation started.  Now the Bible is prohibited.  

   It all started in 1905 when five men planned to socialize this nation through the public school system.  A main player of this plan was John Dewey, of the Dewey Decimal fame joined them in 1916.  They decided to use a system known as “gradualisim,”  which takes a long time to complete, but works well without opposition.  It took about 100 years but they accomplished it.  If you can’t see that we’re there, you can’t think yet.  Start practicing.  You’ll probably have to read some different material than what you’re used to, such as Everything They Ever Taught Me Was A Lie by Pat Shannon.  To further understand what is going on, try The Controllers by Ed Whitney.

   We have a wonderful Constitution, but not one of us has the chance to live under it.  Our government won’t obey ...

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