This Is What I've Learned...From Asking Questions

   One of the greatest lessons my oldest mentor and friend tried to teach me (who passed away in January of 2019) was, “If you really want to get to know yourself, and other people better, then learn to ask questions, instead of talking all the time!” And if you’re akin to me, then you’ll find this works well about half the time, and that a properly-placed piece of duct tape works best the rest of the time. Ha-Ha!

   So, in this month’s edition of Wisconsin Christian News, I’m going to be “asking questions,” and providing some space below each question for you to write your answers in… instead of my monthly and customary, countryfied, talkin’ all the time, ramblins, that many you have grown accustomed to.  

   As a side note: This questionnaire is not original to me, but came to me from a loved one, who does this annually with her family, on New Year’s Eve. And after receiving her permission to share this with you, have adapted her questionnaire, in the hope that you’ll find it as beneficial to you, as I found it to be with me.

   So, please prayerfully consider these questions, as you ring in the New Year…

1). What changes occurred in your life this year? 

2).    What was the best change?


3). W ...

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