Come Walk With Us (Part 2)

   The final confirmation that we should “take a hike” came on June 2, just days before Harry’s folks would move and we would leave, for somewhere. It was a Sunday and we had been to church in the morning. The church we had been attending had some activities planned for the afternoon, which included a late afternoon church service in the park, eliminating the evening service. We were unable to participate in these activities due to prior commitments and as evening approached we felt that we really needed to be in church. We decided to visit a church we had attended a time or two on the invitation of some friends, completely forgetting they DO NOT hold church on Sunday evening. When we got to the church, no one was around. Harry was reluctant to leave so we sat there for a few minutes.

   Presently, someone arrived and unlocked the church and went inside. Soon other people began to arrive, including our friends, who explained to us that their pastor had called a special service for the congregation to come and pray for needs within their lives, the church, and for the lost loved ones of the members. The pastor’s main church is about 25 miles away and he takes care of this little church on Sunday morning and on an as-needed basis. This special service was something that was very rare.
God set this service up for us so He could give us the final word about our walk that we had fought so much against.


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