God Searches For Those Who Drift Away

May  2022

  No matter where we come from or how we have been taught, we are responsible for what we think, what we say, and how we act. As optimism and pessimism are learned behaviors, we know that our conduct and worldviews can be changed and controlled if this is our desire. Our spiritual understanding about who God is and who we are in Him must become more than a hope or a chance of fate. Having a personal relationship with Him is based on knowing that we have been purchased with the blood that Jesus shed on the cross and receiving His grace that transforms us.

   Everyone is allowed to decide whatever they want to believe but this does not mean that God approves. When it comes to God’s truth, there is our version and His perfection — and the decisions we make reveal the type of person we are. We are responsible as to the level we choose to surrender our will to God. There is a legend that talks about an older member of a tribe that is teaching his grandson about the meanings of life. He said, “There is a fight going on inside of me. It is a terrible conflict between a wolf and a sheep. The wolf is evil and is filled with darkness, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, depression, lies, and pride. The sheep demonstrates goodness and fairness and his light shines bright with joy, peace, love, hope serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, ...

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