A Nation Under Judgment (Part One)

August  2022

   As I sit here writing this article, my granddaughter is visiting and she said I “should write about how God is always near us and will never leave us.” She is seven years old, and what struck me most was that she did not have to ask me why I was writing or what I am writing about. She knows I write about God for a newspaper. 

   Recently, she asked me because of the studio lights and green screen, “If this was where I make videos about God?” I have made a lot of mistakes in my life, broken God’s law and lived in ways in times past which I am not proud of. I am positive we all can say the same because Scripture is very clear, “As it is written: “There is none righteous, no, not one.” (Romans 3:10 NKJV). 

   What I am proud of, and I know it is not a work of my own but of the Lord’s, is that my children and grandchildren unequivocally know where I stand about matters of the faith and more importantly,  who Jesus Christ is. The question Pontius Pilate asked the Lord Jesus Christ in John 18:38, “What is Truth?” is perhaps the greatest question ever asked. To be staring Truth in the face and to be unaware of the answer is eternally sorrowful, yet I give Pilate credit for asking it. Each one of us must ask ourselves that question. We all must deal with the resounding fact that Jesus Christ i ...

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