It's No Longer Safe To Be Hit By a Car

How Grace Schara's death led her family to discover worldwide genocide...

October  2022

   Grace died on October 13, 2021 at Ascension St. Elizabeth Hospital in Appleton, Wisconsin.  Grace was our beautiful 19-year-old young daughter with Down Syndrome.  She had a zest for life.  She had a love for the Lord that was the most genuine I’ve ever seen.  She made everyone feel special, from her heart.  She called me “Earthly Dad” and was my best buddy.  She called Cindy, her mom, “Earthly Mom” and was her best friend.  We’ve never missed someone like we miss Grace; what we are experiencing, without Grace, is indescribable.  As you read this message, I believe you’ll come to the conclusion we’ve come to…God allowed Grace’s life to be sacrificed for all those willing to hear. 

   The story of Grace’s death is well documented on her website,  Three news services have done a great job at documenting the story so the reader can get the background quickly. (Please see Wisconsin Christian News:; EPOCH Times:

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