Why Only Ten Commandments?

When we read the book of Exodus, the Lord gave the people of Israel many more than ten commandments. Why, then, do we recognize those ten, but not the others?

Pastor Jim Verkest, Mosinee United Methodist Church

The giving of the Ten Commandments by God to Moses and the Hebrew people was significant because it established what the new and holy relationship between God and His people should be. The Ten Commandments were the foundational values upon which this new covenantal relationship would be grounded. The Ten Commandments summarized in broad terms the expectations of a holy God for His chosen people. They were not meant to deal with every future aspect of the relationship. This future giving of the law would come over time and as the people matured in their understanding of who they were as people of God.

Having said that, it is clear from reading the Ten Commandments that, as simple and broad as they are, if we as people of God could honor them with our lives, the other 600+ Mosaic laws would not be necessary. God wanted to make His expectations clear and simple. As we see in Matthew 22:34-40, Jesus reduced the original Ten Commandments down to two, in an effort to teach the Pharisees and disciples how simple Gods requirements really are. If we just loved God with all our hearts, minds, soul and strength, and loved one another, all the other laws would also be fulfilled. Tragically, we, as sinful humanity, cant even fulfill the requirements of Jesus tw ...

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