No Greater Pursuit Than Living For Jesus

April  2023

   Many are the pursuits of people’s lives, and many are the investments of time and energies in order to fill their lives with meaning and purpose. In an age with endless avenues and easy access to a multitude of choices, people are bombarded with an overload of information, so-called demands, and exciting lures that influence them to make decisions for their lives.   

   In these trying times, there are a number of activities and goals that people pursue. But we may ask the question “What will the end be thereof?”  What will be the final outcome of a life invested in these pursuits?

   Jesus said in the Bible, “For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?” (Matthew 16:26). The idea here is that a person can accumulate endless amounts of wealth, intelligence, accomplishments, glory, personal gain, fame, and friendships – and yet have it come to nothing in the end, when he forfeits his soul for eternity.  
   Here are a few examples of misguided investments . . . 

   Career. Obviously, there is nothing wrong in and of itself to have a career. Some folks are specialized in a particular profession their whole lives, while others experience a number of jobs. But there can be a temptation to wrap one’s li ...

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