Best Practices vs The Laws of Public Opinion
Laws built on a foundation of feelings are laws destined to soon be washed away by the changing waves of public opinion. Therefore, to attempt building a solid foundation on feelings versus immutable natural laws is mere folly and a recipe for a nation’s demise.
In a recent city council meeting here in Ohio, the council was asked to reconsider the flying of the rainbow flag throughout the city this coming June. This was previously stymied last year by a separate request to have the city fly a Natural Family flag instead. Having concerns about a recent lemon law ruling in Boston last year, the council chose to do nothing the previous year. However, as we all know, the LGBTQ Army, much like the energizer bunny, keeps on running and running and running. This city council is now considering reviewing their previous decision. Let’s be honest here, that review is because of the efforts of the local LGBTQ storm troopers. We are in a spiritual battle, and the side of evil will never give up...willingly, that is!
When the same LGBTQ community was approached about the possibility that they were promoting unnatural behavior, their answer was, of course, that sodomy is most certainly “natural” having (in their mind ) no negative physical or mental results. Besides, they reason, animals exhibit these behaviors all the time. Of cour ...