Demicans and Republicrats Pick Your Poison

August 2023

   This July, our party hosted the Backyard Constitutional Patriots Rally at the Riverwood Community Church in Burlington, the first of many to come around our state. The title of my presentation was “The Strike 3 GOP Project. Why We Need a Constitutional Alternative!” As I wrote in previous articles, I expect nothing from the Democrat Party. I am critical of the Republican Party because they said they are the party of limited government, tax reform, and family values. I talked about the desperate need for competition in the political arena. I called it the “Strike 3 GOP Project” because the GOP held the House, Senate, and White House at two different times (from 2001 to 2006 under George W. Bush and 2017-2019 under Donald Trump). They didn’t undo the unconstitutional things in Washington. 

   The truth is Democrats and Republicans share more similarities than differences. Both parties: deficit spend, commit our soldiers to wars overseas without declarations of war from Congress, won’t defund any unconstitutional agencies, have always supported (or have abandoned fighting in the case of the GOP) same-sex “marriage,” won’t end the IRS or the progressive income tax, will spend hundreds of millions of dollars on their campaigns, support a private bank controlling our currency and interest rates, and will draw up congressional districts keep th ...

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