The Power of Hunger

August 2023

  Jesus sent His disciples forth to “proclaim the Kingdom of God and to heal” - Luke 9:2.  When the disciples complained their healing power didn’t work for everyone Jesus said, “This kind can only come forth by prayer and fasting” - Mark 9:29. This is one of many Bible references to the power of hunger. “Prayer and fasting” are often linked together for serious concerns and dire situations as a storm at sea and shipwreck - Acts 17:33.

   Long before science studied the positive effects of fasting on body and brain, there were shortages of food throughout history that forced our ancestors to know hunger. Wars, droughts, weather, locust swarms and such come and go. From millennia of experience, we have learned that living on the cutting edge of appetite instead of the dull edge works better. This brings up a scientific fact that undereating is a proven strategy for longevity, overeating a proven way to get sick and die younger. We know from Scripture, history, and now science that the power of hunger, when used properly, helps body and mind work better. It sharpens you. As with a hungry wolf, it sharpens the senses and creates energy to find food. As God created life, hunger works for survival. It also works on the spiritual side “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after justice, they shall be filled.”  Here are some short term benefits ...

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