We Can't Fool God

   In 3 John we are introduced to Gaius, Diotrephes and Demetrius.  Gaius received a lot more press than the other two and you learn of how great of a person Gaius is, especially his walk with the Lord.  The apostle John wrote specifically to Gaius but threw in Diotrephes and Demetrius in the second half of the letter (verses 9-12). 

   It is interesting why New Testament writers quickly include a mention about names.  This does show that the Church was growing, and many people were involved in different ways in the early Church.  But not all those mentioned in the New Testament are always a positive influence.

   We meet Diotrephes in verse 9.  It says he loved to be first and did not have anything to do with John.  Diotrephes was haughty.  That meant he was arrogantly superior and disdainful.  Synonyms for haughty include pride conceit, scornful, and snobbish.  Proverbs 16:18 – “Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall.”  You don’t want to be haughty.

   Diotrephes was maliciously (intending to do harm) gossiping, totally unhospitable or friendly, and wicked.  This guy was part of the church. He would not even let others be hospitable to the point of throwing hospitable people out of their church.  This guy was mean and vengeful.

   I sure hope you a ...

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