Acid Danger (Part 2)

February 2024

  Some  things you will learn in this article helped save me from death in 1978. I was experiencing blackouts when getting up from a couch, the result of adrenal exhaustion and a business setback. I was lucky to have a Lord, Who took mercy one me, and blessed to find a book titled Food is Your Best Medicine,” written by Henry Bieler, M.D. With help from these two directions, one from the outside and the other from within,  at 86, I still run every morning and walk with a strong comfortable stride. The Lord led me to change my thinking, my life, my nutrition, and my pH.  I have combined the most important things I learned since then in a kit called “Nutrition-For-Life.”

   Some pH secrets that would have saved me from a lot of suffering involve  the “stress response” and what acid danger and a pH imbalance does to the body’s autonomic nervous system or ANS. Stress can kill with demands on alkaline reserves as well as exhausting reserves of the water soluble vitamins  the Bs and C.  The ANS is the nervous system that keeps our hearts beating and thousands of things working without our having to think about it. It works miracles every second as long as it is not thrown off balance by a pH imbalance. That’s something to remember. 

   STOP HERE. Think a minute about the power that ma ...

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