Some of the titles I have used over the years for WCN articles came to mind. “Too Soon to Offer Your First Love to Messiah?” “Will you be among the Five Wise or Five Foolish Virgins?” “A War and a Wedding Feast Will Have Their Place in Time” “Poor, Blind and Naked: from Eden to Laodicea” “Messiah’s Bride with out Spot or Blemish: Will He know You?” “Returning to God’s Righteousness.” “God’s Calendar and Holidays for us!” “To Understand the End We must go back to the Beginning.” “Let the Righteous be more Righteous…”
All of these topics are just as necessary today as back then. The most recent title. “Apostate Believers and Righteousness” follows the leading I have had to be more direct about what is happening today. I do still earnestly contend that we need to go back to the faith given once for the saints, as Jude called it, which I believe begins in Genesis, and all of what we call the Old Testament.
I have been echoing Messiah’s call to “watch and pray “since 2009. There is an email series on our website that you can sign up to receive. The things that are happening around us continue to ratchet up, more and more quickly. With many of you, I was aware that some ...