What Does the Bible Say About Physical Healing?

By Pastor Ken Burisek,
The Ole Country Church, Medford, Wisconsin
Email: kburisek @wildblue.net

It doesnt take much for us to realize that there is a whole heap of suffering going on in the world today. There are a lot of folks in pain, suffering from physical diseases of various kinds. Sickness and disease are major problems in this life and they affect us all - Christian and non-Christian alike. Actually because there is illness in this world, it can sometimes complicate the Christian community simply because some Christians believe in healing and others do not. Some clergy teach that when Christ died, He provided healing for any and all disease while others believe that God allows us to suffer from illness and doesnt intend for us to be healed.

Lastly there is the middle ground which holds that God can and does heal - when He desires to - leaving us suffering from disease when He knows that we will benefit spiritually even through the sickness itself. These differences in thinking often cause disagreement over the issue of Gods healing of individuals. Did God really heal? If God heals, does He still do so? Did Jesus death and resurrection on the cross provide healing for every individual? How should we pray when faced with illness?

As always, the place to begin is with Gods Word. What does the Bible teach us about healing? The Bible tells us, WITH HIS STRIPES! Lets take a gander at that passage that is so often used to show that not o ...

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