How One Man Came to Help the 'Dump Dwellers' of Mexico

Joe Brown is celebrating his 45th year ministering in the garbage dumps of Mexico.
Joe was born and raised in Southern Missouri, and moved to Southern California after turning 18 years old. About three months later, he read an item in the local newspaper about a Church group going to visit an orphanage in Mexico and the public was invited to join them.
The church group met and they all loaded into the Church bus and off they went to Mexico. While ridding south, Joe came to realize that these Christians were not the same type of Christians that he has known in the past. These Christian people were very outgoing and noisy. Everyone would pray out loud for a while, then they all would sing songs for a while, then they would go back to praying. This kept up all the way to Mexico, about four hours. Joe felt somewhat on the outside of this group so he sat in the back of the old Church bus, away from the others.
They finally arrived at the orphanage in Mexico. There were about 100 homeless children there and all of them were starved for love. The adults taking care of the orphans were giving the children as much love as they could, but there were just a few adults caring for all of them, not nearly enough love to go around. Joe really felt sorry for all of the little children but he knew they were well cared for. Soon, it was time for everyone to leave and head home to the States.
At that time in Joe Browns life, he was not a Christian. Oh, he had gone to Church when he ...

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