Christian Camping in the Midst of Recession

How is it possible to keep your head above water when we are seeing an enormous drop in our retirement plans and our savings accounts? We are overwhelmed with negative financial news falling home prices, declining earnings, and record levels of consumer debt. With all the negative indicators, one has to wonder what the camping season will be like this year. Most of us have a tight budget when the economy is doing well so what are we to expect? Will the government bail us out as it has the banks and automobile manufacturers? Or is the answer found from within?

As participants in this economy, we can accept what is happening or believe that we can take this problem and turn it into an opportunity.

Our success is dependent upon our customers. If we are going to survive this economic storm then we must look to those whom we serve. Are they happy with our service? Are they maximizing the potential of the services and/or products that we offer?

Author Robert Shook wrote a book entitled Customer Rules and in this book he uncovers 14 qualities of the greatest service companies in the world. Some of these companies are Edward Jones Investments, Four Seasons Hotels, Johnson and Johnson, Cabelas Sporting Goods, and others.

The bottom line is simply this customer service. If the customer is not satisfied, the rest basically is not important. We must ask ourselves Is what we are doing in the best interest of the customer? If we are goi ...

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