The Grizzly Bear

One of the most majestic and powerful kritters in Gods creation is the Grizzly Bear. The Grizzly once roamed throughout most of North America, including our state of Wisconsin, but today their range has been limited in the lower 48 states by our human civilization.

We can identify Grizzly Bears by their dish-shaped faces. Grizzlies also have a shoulder hump that sets them off from others in the bruin clan. The bears hump is actually a mass of strong muscles enabling Grizzly Bears to dig, as well as using their paws as a striking force. Their claws are long and curved and can be used to dig out dens and up-root the roots and bulbs of plants. A Grizzlys toes are almost in a straight line in a track and are quite close together...the front paws of brown bears reach 6-8 inches in length and 7-9 inches in width.

Grizzlies vary in color from brown and black shades to white and blonde in rare instances and the tips of a Grizzlys fur are lighter in color, making them have a grizzled effect, giving them their name-sake.

Grizzlies are considered full grown at the age of 8 to 10. A male Griz will reach his maximum weight of up to 1150 pounds by 12 years,while the females reach their maximum weight of up to 770 pounds by 8 years. They feed on a varied diet consisting of berries, roots, fish, ground dwelling rodents, bulbs of plants and even acorns and nuts. Grizzlies will also feed on the carion of dead carcasses.

Contrary to what many are led ...

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