The Heart of a Changing Ministry

Whether we like it or not, Christian organizations are changing. Churches, charities and other non-profit organizations will, if they have not already, experience reduced incomes as their sources of revenue decline. Donations are dwindling in the midst of our changing economy. Loyal donors face tough choices as their savings, 401K plans and other investments shrink. What does this mean to Christian leaders and organizations which are dedicated to serving others? Will there be cutbacks in services? Will some ministries fail altogether?

What do people, who have just lost jobs or experienced reductions in their retirement plans, do to survive? They adjust budgets, change their spending habits, and look for other sources of income. The bottom line is that they live their lives in different ways that adapt to their present circumstances. Likewise, as a first step, charitable organizations must look at ways to adjust budgets and spending to accommodate the circumstances we find ourselves in.

When we face hard economic conditions, our instincts are to hunker down and ride it out. Every Christian organization will experience various levels of economic hardship and change, as we weather this temporary slump in revenue. The challenge is to keep a visionary outlook for creative ways to continue current levels of ministry. Charitable leaders might have the foresight to look outside of their organizations for opportunities that God is providing. Now m ...

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