When In Doubt, Find a...Teenager?

This past month has been a rollercoaster ride for our Teambuilding programs at the Northern Lakes Impact Center! We have had the privilege of working with students in public schools, youth groups, teachers and various organizations. God has been good!

Recently, I was leading an organizational development workshop for an area nonprofit; helping them set their vision and expand their outreach. Since their ministry involves choices that literally are life and death, it was a project that was very important to me! During the conversation, we identified specific targets for the group to accomplish, actions that would make an impact on the communities they served. As we sat there, looking at the words, the leaders of the group told me they had no idea how to make a lot of it a reality.

One of the critical steps identified in this meeting was the need to increase awareness of their outreach. They already were proficient with emailing people and with regular mailings, but they were looking for other ideas. When I brought up Facebook and Twitter, they admitted that while most of them had experience with these, they were not proficient at them. I recommended that they find a teenager to help them with it.

Later on, we discussed the idea of a local website to help promote their organization. Again, the leadership team mentioned that they would need help from an outside source to build a site and that, at this time, they couldnt afford to pay for ...

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