The Brown Creeper

The BROWN CREEPER.the name sounds like something from a Sci-Fi writers imagination. The name itself kind-a sends a chill up n down your spine. But in reality, The Brown Creeper actually exists and may well live very near to your own home...believe it or not!

They are actually found right here in Wisconsin pretty much all year around. In reality the Brown Creeper is a type of bird, but a very unique bird as well. It is a small bird that clings to trees similarly to a nuthatch or woodpecker; with a mottled brown back that camouflages it with tree bark, making it difficult to spot.

Their bill is thin and curved - perfect for finding insects under tree bark. Brown Creepers take a liking to evergreen forests or mixed evergreen/deciduous forests. Brown Creepers spend most of their time on main trunks or major limbs of trees, using their tails to brace themselves kind-a woodpecker like. They tend to spiral up the trunk of a tree, poking their beaks into the cracks in the bark.

One very unusual habit of the Brown Creeper is the fact that after they get to the top of a tree, they fly down to the bottom of the next tree and start all over again at the bottom. We can learn a neat bible truth right here. Just as the Brown Creeper has a brand new fresh start on a new tree, we human kritters can have a brand new, fresh start - when we give our hearts to Jesus Christ. The Bible calls it born againputting behind our old life and beginning a brand new life in Chr ...

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