Can I Get a Witness?

When I think about the goodness of the Lord I just cry. You ask me my testimony, so here it is. When I was a child, my mother and grandmother took us to church. Sometimes we were in church all day, but as we got older, somehow we strayed from the straight and narrow and my brother and I were strung out on drugs. I met a man and began to live with him and soon married this man. He was also on drugs and even sold drugs. We lived the good life. I had it all -- lots of money, clothes, fine car, diamonds, furs, and a beautiful home. You name it, I had it all!

Whatever I wanted, I got it. But I thank God I had a praying mother. She kept me and my brother before the Lord and I think thats why I was never killed; because I was truly in some situations. I was so strung out on drugs, I weighed 90 pounds, soaking wet.

One day, I woke up from a hangover and I looked at my home and my life and then I called my brother. He was happy to hear from me because I always called him so we could get high together. But I told him I was calling to let him know I was giving up everything. He said, What do you mean? I said I was giving up everything: my house, my furs, everything - even drugs. He just said, Sis, youre stronger than me. Just pray for me. I hung up the phone, grabbed my keys, walked out and never looked back. Yes, the struggle was long and ...

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