How Do You Handle Life's Floods?

There have been floods in many parts of the world in the past year. The power of flowing water is clearly illustrated as massive amounts of water rush against buildings and nature, destroying anything in its path. There is nothing that can stop it.

Jesus used the flood illustration to talk about how people handle the Bible. In Matthew 7:24-27, Jesus indicated that someone who reads the Bible and applies the truths of the Bible, is like a house that when floods rush against it, that house will not be destroyed because the houses foundation is built into rock. The contrast is someone who reads and even knows what the Bible says and does not put Biblical truths into practice, is like a person who builds his house on sand, a very weak foundation. When floods come and pound on the house, it will be washed away because sand does not anchor a house to the earth making it flimsy.

A house, whether it is built on sand or rock, can look very attractive and inviting on the outside and even as you walk through the house, everything can look very good but the real test of a house is when bad weather of rain, wind and floods beat against it. Then you will be able to tell how well it actually was built.

For us, we can definitely look good to everyone with whom we come in contact. People will probably say we have our act together and we got things going for us. Having a good cell phone, nice clothes, maybe flashing a little money, acting like we have our a ...

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