Adventure at Bear Creek

As I began to write this article, I jotted down some words that describe springtime in Wisconsin. The words that came to mind were renew, recharge and new birth. The trees and flowers relax and unfold their beauty. Many plants and animals alike awake, stretch and soak up the sun and the warmer temperatures. New birth abounds. Miracles of Gods creation reveal themselves and are a witness to His majesty, sovereignty, power and faithfulness. Along with witnessing these miracles of Gods creation, we celebrate the sacrifice of Gods own Son, His resurrection and free gift of eternal life.

The following excerpt told through the eyes of The Young Hunter shows the very power of Gods creation and His faithfulness to never leave nor forsake.

They walked along the rivers edge just past the waterfall to where the old railroad piling tops stuck out of the water just enough for the two of them to climb. The water was shallow at first. Further in towards the center of the river, the tops of the pilings barely reached the waters surface. But, amidst their nearly complete submersion, the middle pilings stood steadfast in defiance to the river.

Caleb could see something shiny stuck to one of the pilings just a few feet away and directed Isaacs attention to it.

Hey, Ike! Caleb shouted.

It looks like an old fishing lure, he continued as he pointed toward the piling.

Caleb hopped onto the top of one of the pilings, and then ...

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