Maturity is Marked by Obedience to the Word of God

How do you handle a true, valid criticism or a truth someone points out about you? It is very easy to quickly become defensive and begin making all sorts of excuses or rationalizations. What if God would show you something from the Bible that you need to work on or change in your life? What would your reaction be?

A young boy named Josiah was made king of Judah when he was eight years old and is described as a person who did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and carefully obeyed God throughout his 39 years on earth (2 Kings 22-23). Ten years into his reign, the high priest discovered the Book of the Law (essentially the first five books of the Old Testament) when people were fixing up the Temple. The Temple was not in the condition the way Solomon had built it and the people of Judah (half of Israels kingdom) were not living lives that honored God.

When Josiah learned of the Book and had it read to him, he humbly went into action. Josiah destroyed all the idol worshipping that was going on in Judah, renewed the covenant God had made with the Israelites and essentially obeyed God in all areas of his life, highly encouraging all his people to do the same. Josiah was going to be obedient to God and likewise, rule his country by the leading of God. God did bless Josiah for humbling himself and being obedient.

As soon as Josiah heard the word of God and knew he was not living the way he should be, he was willing to change. Prior to ...

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