From New Age to a New Creation: A New Ager Is Turned to Biblical Christianity (Part 2 of 3)

   Of all the beliefs I held as a New Ager, I stuck most tightly to reincarnation because that teaching felt so right to me; but I wasn’t about to let my subjective feelings be my authority for truth. Eventually I became convinced that the New Age, including reincarnation, was and is a lie because:

1). Channelers, Satanists, and demons conjured during seances teach that reincarnation is true and that the Bible is not. They teach that the souls of the dead successively return to the earth in new forms or bodies until the soul becomes evolved enough to stay in a higher sphere. (But different persuasions of Satanism exist. Some believe the soul can be cast into "hell" but that “hell” is an endless party of debauchery.)

   I had no desire to hold to a doctrine of demons.

2). Because Satanists and such hate the Bible, they induce seekers to believe that people are gods and have more than one life on earth and can work off their bad karma, that neither sin nor divine penal retribution for sin exists, and that Jesus is not needed.

   I did not want to hold to doctrines of Satanists, channelers, and demons.

3). Satanists incite their members to practice occult arts like tarot cards, divination, talking to the dead or with spirit beings (both of which are demons in disguise, sometimes beautiful disguise). The New Age teaches these same occult arts.
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