Author of Unacceptable Shares the Story of His Life with Christ

   This book is my story of life lived with Christ.  As Dr. Gene Neill, who wrote the forward to my book stated, “It is a real story of how a real God can work in the life of a real man.”  And Gene also said that I might have trouble getting a publisher due to the fact that “too many Christians today are looking for excitement and thrills like walking on water and being raised from the dead and all that jazz.  That’s the way it is but not the way it should be.”

   My goal in the book  is to encourage followers of Christ to stand above and beyond institutional beliefs no matter how sincere they may be held, when these beliefs and doctrines  conflict with one’s personal faith and understanding of their faith in Jesus Christ.  When this happens, they must be willing to take a stand for Christ and His word.  My attempt is to show how an ordinary person can live an  extraordinary life with the power of the Holy Spirit at work in their lives, making us far more than we could ever be by ourselves.

   As we look at the larger church, I have sometimes compared it to Baskin Robbins and their 38 flavors.  Which one do  I choose?  And as the sayings goes “It doesn’t matter what you believe as long as you are sincere.”  Does it matter what you believe?  I think it does.  As someone has said, “If everyone is Christian, ...

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