Evolution: A Brief Peek Under the Hood (Part 2)

   We began this mini-series of articles last month by pointing out that many things can look very good from the outside (or from a distance), but upon closer inspection numerous imperfections and deficiencies are exposed.  The example we used was that of a sports car looking great on the outside, but being trashed on the inside and missing an engine.  We further explained that there are aspects of the evolutionary story that, to many, seem quite plausible on the surface.  For example, a fish slowly turning into an amphibian. However, when you “take a peek under the hood” it reveals insurmountable problems that render the concept unbelievable.

   We also pointed out that when creatures reproduce, they literally make a copy of their DNA and pass it along to their offspring which allows them to develop into the same kind of life form as the parents (dogs produce dogs, horses produce horses, etc.)  Since mutation is the primary agent in changing DNA, evolutionists look to it as a driving force of evolution.  Ultimately, they claim it transformed a single-celled bacteria into a human being through countless intermediate forms.

   As we have previously discussed in other articles, mutations are accidental, random copying errors.  Let’s say that a college Biochemistry textbook is equivalent to the amount of information in a single-celled organism.  According to evolutionary theory, we h ...

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