From Atheist to Christian Physician

   God’s Perfect Plan, by Mark Paul Bishop, M.D., is “a spiritual autobiography” of a family physician from rural Wisconsin, chronicling his transformation from atheist to Christian physician, filled with the blessings of God and his message.  In a world that views religion and science as irreconcilable, Bishop is living proof that the two can co-exist and are not as mutually exclusive as many believe.

   Bishop began his medical career as an atheist, as a result of his academic background, “I believed in and was well educated in the theory of evolution.”  Bishop contrasts the presupposition of medicine that “mankind is not the result of God’s special plan of divine creation - demonstrating reason, purpose, and intent - but rather is the result of the direction of natural molecular forces of biochemistry” with his own testimony and living circumstances, demonstrating that “God’s predestined plan does have a reason, a purpose, and intent, and His will, will be done!”

   Bishop asserts that while every day is filled with questions and uncertainties, “It’s only as the days, weeks, and months go by that we’re able to look back and see a purpose and a pattern.”  Upon reflection, it becomes evident that “there is a divine intelligence behind it all.”  Throughout the book, Bishop recounts many ...

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