Is the gift of speaking in tongues still active today, and if so, what is its purpose?

By Pastor Ken Burisek, The Ole Country Church, Medford, Wisconsin
The gift of tongues at times can at times become very controversial and even a divisive issue between Christians. Some would go so far as to say those using this gift today are of the devil himselfwhile on the other extreme some would say that this gift goes hand in hand with salvation. The way this question is worded basically approaches this subject from one point of view and to really understand the gift of tongues, one has to look at it in all of its aspects.
On the day of Pentecost was a specialized event in which each person spoke and those around them heard the words in their own tongue (language). Many churches hold on to that view as being the only aspect of tongues but they may be missing out on what it means to have the gift of tongues. I myself am in perhaps somewhat of a unique position to approach this subject because I have experienced both sides during my Christian walk. I grew up in a very main line fundamental church that for all practical purposes pretty much believed their way was the only way and they also pretty much believed this gift ended long ago. As I matured in Christ, I sometimes questioned that line of thought because I had a number of Pentecostal friends who were wonderful Christians and they believed in and exercised the gifts of the spiritincluding that taboo gift of tongues. As time went on I started attending a Pentecostal ...

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