God Wasn't Done!

Linnette was crippled with an alcohol addiction for much of her life.  But that didn’t stop God.


   My last drink was 1,900 days ago. I never thought that I could make it one day without a drink. God, through Hope Gospel Mission and others, has helped me to change my life.

   Before Hope Gospel Mission, my life revolved around alcohol. If you had asked me before what was important, alcohol would have been at the top of the list. I was always drunk, drinking, or thinking about drinking.

   From the time I started drinking I knew that I was different than most people; I always drank to the extreme. I would drink to escape situations; trying to cover up feelings of insecurity with numbness. When I was in the middle of a mess, the bottle was my best friend. I could always count on it. I’d reach out my hand and it would be there. It was there in good times and in bad. I drank heavily for 22 years of my life. Most days I would drink at least a bottle of Vodka, sometimes more. I drank alone and isolated so that people wouldn’t know the extreme depth of my sickness.

   I have been to treatment many times. I have been to many different kinds of places: detox, long-term, short-term, faith-based, and secular. What I found was that each one of them had things that were of benefit to me. With each of these treatments I became more and mo ...

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