
How are you known in your city or region?  When you name is mentioned in conversation, do people smile, have good thoughts about you or do they shutter and shake their heads because you do not treat them well or you do not have a good reputation?  Just having a title in front of your name or letters behind that name, does not guarantee a good reputation or respect. 

When we indicate to the world that we are a follower of Jesus Christ, we represent Him, no matter how we represent Him!  Whether we are with our family or dealing with money issues, we convey something about Jesus and ourselves to others.  That reputation walks enters a room before I walk in.  Right or wrong, opinions are formed about me when someone hears about me, even if I have never met the person.  When I die, my body will go into the grave but my reputation will live on well after I die. 

A reputation is not forged in a moment’s time, even though a split second wrong or devastating decision will most likely have greater consequences that a split second right decision.  So often, a person who has spent a lifetime of developing a quality reputation can lose all those hard earned years to one single inappropriate or painful episode.  That is scary and should keep us keenly aware of the evil which so closely lurks around us, and continue to place safeguards into our lives to significantly hinder us from falling prey. 

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