You Can Help Rescue Girls from Human Trafficking

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Help Save Girls Forced Into Child Slavery

Child trafficking is one of the most horrific crimes happening in the world today, and the children who have been targeted and exploited by those who would force them into slavery and prostitution are in desperate need of help. If taking just a couple of minutes out of your day to watch this video is enough to convince you of the need for action, then you may want to consider making a donation to Crisis Rescue International, a charitable cause that is certainly worthy of your support.

Child Trafficking

Child traffickers take children away from their homes and force them into slave labor and prostitution. They target the most vulnerable children, entrapping street kids and orphans who lack any form of protection, or coercing poor families to hand over guardianship of their children for money to feed the rest of the family and the promise that their son or daughter will be given employment and a future. Once they have isolated the child from anyone who might have helped, they use drugs or violence to force them into slavery. Some of these children end up working in people's homes or in mines and factories. Others are forced into prostitution, or sent out onto the streets to beg for money.

When we hear the stories of some of the 1.2 million children who are trafficked every year, we can't help but feel that it is our duty to help in some way. However, it can be difficult to know how to fulfill our moral responsibility to the best effect. Many foreign tourists see children begging on the streets in countries like India, and simply hand over their money, but this short-sighted charity can end up making the situation worse. Traffickers exploit our desire to help by forcing children to beg. Some child beggars may even be maimed by their captors in order to make more people feel pity and hand over their money. The idea of denying charity to a child who is asking for help is extremely troubling, but by offering money that will only end up in the hands of traffickers, we could inadvertently be contributing to their suffering. We need to find a way to ensure that our money will go to the children who need our help. We need to know which charities can rescue these children and provide them with good homes.

Saving India's Trafficked Children

One of the reputable charities working to help these children is Crisis Rescue International, which works with girls as young as five who have been rescued from forced prostitution in India. When a girl is first rescued, she will be taken to the charity's Safe House, a place of security and healing. Here, she will be given the medical care that she needs, alongside counseling that can help her to begin to come to terms with what has happened to her. The Safe House is a place of transition that helps children to begin their recovery, but once they are ready, they will move on to one of the Crisis Rescue Homes, which provide longer-term care in an environment where these girls can learn to be children again. 

The work done by Crisis Rescue International is worthy of your support, and the organization itself is also praiseworthy. Crisis Rescue International began its work as a church-building organization, and was called to help trafficked children because their ministry led them to work in an area that had been targeted by traffickers. The project is headed by David Farmer, who ensures that the focus of the work is the souls of the children. The team behind the charity are unpaid Pastors and lay leaders from the church, and they ensure that Bible study and churchgoing is an important part of the support that they provide for the children.

How You Can Help

Crisis Rescue International provides girls rescued from abuse with the care that they need in a safe new home, but there are still hundreds of girls in need of sponsors to ensure that they will continue to receive this support. You can help by watching the Crisis Rescue International video, and sharing it with other people on your Facebook page. The further word can be spread about this issue, the more pressure will build to produce action against this horrific abuse of children. You should also consider making a donation or sponsoring a child who has been rescued by Crisis Rescue International. Just $35 a month can give a trafficked child a new life and a promising future. If just a fraction of the people with whom we can share this story are motivated to sponsor a child, it will ensure that every girl can be given the home she deserves.

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