Defeating Doubt

   We begin with the dispelling of a myth. This myth is that the original disciples had no doubts when it came to their confidence in Christ as Savior.
   To empathize with these 12 chosen ones, put yourself in their sandals. Without advance warning they were chosen to be part of a mission they never expected…and, for which, they had no prior training. Overall these were common men with no exceptional spiritual experiences that would have prepared them for the work before them. And that specific work was years in front of them. 
   These men were students who were experiencing their amazing Master carrying out His mission each day. They saw the miracles…they heard His parable. But they, like so many of the listeners in the crowd, were left with the question -- Who is this one called Jesus?  The unprecedented events these disciples were witnessing were beyond human explanation.
   It was not just “doubting” Thomas who had his unanswered questions and hesitation (John 20:25). We dare not forget Peter in his failed attempt to walk on water (Matthew 14:29-31). And where were these trained disciples on that first Easter morning? None were visiting that tomb until after the women had told them it was empty (Luke 24:9-12)!
   We also find this fascinating phrase at the end of Matthew’s Gospel, just before Jesus shared His Great Commission with these, now-trained ...

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