What is Truth?

   After Jesus was arrested in the garden, and Peter falsely denied knowing Him, not once, but three times, He was taken to the Roman Governor, Pilate, who, after briefly speaking with Jesus, ended his interview with the Savior in disdain by retorting, “What is Truth?!”
   Jesus had explained that, “The reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth.  Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me.”
   But there was no truth to the accusations against Him, and no one wanted to know or acknowledge the real truth.  Everyone had their own agenda to be served.  It is interesting to note that the great pious church leaders -- the Jewish teachers and rulers -- were the ones who wanted to see Jesus executed.  They orchestrated this kangaroo court in their own campaign to hide the truth.  In what can only be described as the height of hypocrisy and bitter irony, they themselves refused to enter Pilate’s palace, because doing so would make them “ceremonially unclean” and they wanted to be able to eat the Passover meal.  They highly valued and esteemed their religion, but had little time or tolerance for Truth.
   As we look around at our world today, we see that truly, there is nothing new under the sun.  We might think things have gotten better... Christians are no longer thrown to hungry lions, are they?  No, but persecu ...

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