Power Attitude

   Power is a lion anxiously pacing back and forth be released, wanting to be released to have its freedom.  If anyone gets in the way of our being in power and control, just like a lion, we lash out.  We say we do it in love and think we are considerate of the other person, but in reality, that person is blocking what we want and that makes us mad and willing to push our way through.  
   Being humble and having power and control is a tricky balancing act.  When I am in power, being a servant to others can be one of the furthest things from my mind.  I know I am not alone in this struggle.  How often do we see people involved in ministry treat others with disrespect, short temperedness, a “I am better than you” attitude or unwilling to perform jobs that are below their position?  If you or I are in charge, have a position of power and we look down upon some people or consider some jobs or responsibilities not worthy of our energy, then we have a “power attitude” issue.  (Think of a very lowly job right now and if you feel you cannot perform that task, you have a “power attitude.”
   There is the popular TV show “Undercover Boss,”  where the top executive of a business disguises himself for a week and works with employees of the business, who are not any of the executives.  Often the top executive has no idea what those employees do ...

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