Differing Doctrines

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:
   Jesus said, “Judge not lest ye be judged.”  I have heard Christians say that we shouldn’t judge anything or anyone because of this verse.  Comprehension of the rest of Matthew 7:1 and 2 would dissolve this eisegesis (by the way saying you can’t judge someone is a judgment). 
   Lutherans and Presbyterians have been getting a bad rap due to arbitrary assumptions and eisegetical hermenuetics.  So let’s confront the Pharisaical hypocrisy that this heresy attempts to pander. Now I want to preface this argument by saying I am attacking a worldview. The hope is Christ and the people that adhere to this adding/subtracting to Scripture need to repent of this sin. Martin Luther said, “let us grant that the Holy Spirit is more learned than we are.”  
   Anabaptist history tells that the Zwickau prophets believed their fanatical dreams were further revelation, thus, correspondently devalued Scripture. This heresy almost ruined reformed attempts to that point.  They believe in non-resistance and are against all warfare. The Apostle Paul tells us to expect battle and engage in it. Jesus said the gates of Hell will not prevail against the attacks of the church. (I am aware of this passive movement going on in churches. That has a striking similarity to the hypocritical and prejudiced tolerance movement in our pag ...

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