Are We Barbaric?

Complimentary Story

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:
   I suggest that our country can no longer claim to be a Christian nation.  That statement is driven in part by the steady decay of Christian values, as well as a deliberate effort to oppose or circumvent Scripture.   Immoral and anti Christian values are spreading rampantly, while most of us, including the clergy, keep our mouth shut, either because we don’t care, we are afraid to rock the boat, or we want to avoid controversy.   Anyone of us who claims to be “called” by God to spread or promote the gospel, but then condones deviation and departure from that gospel, has to accept responsibility for failing God’s call.  Frankly, I don’t believe God would call folks He knows ahead of time would work to oppose Him.
   Consider a woman’s “right to choose” whether her unborn child lives.   That right was confirmed with a civil ruling by the Supreme Court in 1973.  One of the arguments the court may have bought into was that life does not start in the womb.  Brilliant!   Keep in mind that women were having illegal abortions long before 1973.  Since this was a civil action, it had nothing in common with God’s Word, but has had an impact on moral decay.  
   In times past it was the father who chose whether a baby was to live.  Back then the father simply “chose” to kill children not wanted by him.  Mom had no say.   We consider pagan cultures to have been quite barbaric.  Yet, were they all that different from our culture?   In all the wars involving this country 1.2+ million service folks died.  Today upwards of 1.25 million abortions are performed every year.   Incredible!  Whether you snuff a life after or before birth is irrelevant.  Whether that life is terminated by man’s or woman’s choice is irrelevant.  
   To defend killing the unborn, done mostly for no other reason than birth control, with claims that life begins after birth, is ‘dead’ wrong.  Today’s mother to be, knows full well that her unborn was alive and well before the abortion procedure.  A sprouting bean, corn, acorn, etc.,  is considered alive and well although the shoot has not broken the soil.  The unhatched bird is considered alive and well prior to breaking through the egg shell.  So, how are unborn children any different?   The medical profession uses extraordinary life saving measures to save a fetus, because the parents want to do the right thing.  Why would they bother if they believed the fetus was not alive?   
   Then we have the immoral segment of the medical profession who have no qualms about killing a living human for the right price.  I do know Christ would condemn this practice, so tell me how a Christian can support it.  Consider that every Biblical verse that speaks about children, speaks of them always and only as being a blessing.  Thank God that your mom made the right choice.
   No surprise then, folks you and I know use phrases similar to “this country is going to hell.”   I'm afraid the descent is well on it’s way, because we allow it. 
-Simon Britts, Watertown, Wis.

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