Headaches Are Not Due to an Aspirin Deficiency

   More than 14 million Americans suffer from chronic headaches. We’re not talking about the occasional headache, but the kind of headaches that you get day after day after day.   And for many, the first thing that they do is to pop a few aspirin, or some other over-the-counter pain reliever.
   But, headaches, are not due to an aspirin deficiency.
   What does that mean? Well, let’s say that you stepped on a tack. Ouch!  What’s the first thing that you’d do to make that pain go away?  Take a pain reliever, but continue to walk around with a tack embedded in your foot?  Or, would you remove the tack?
The pain in your head (or in your foot) is not caused by the fact that your body is deficient in pain relievers.  The pain is due to something else.  So, isn’t it logical then to figure out what is causing the pain and remove that trigger (pulling out the tack), rather than cover up the pain by taking a pain relieving medication?
Dangers of OTC
Pain Relievers
   To be fair, I am not opposed to the occasional use of over-the-counter pain relievers like aspirin, acetaminophen (Tylenol), or ibuprofen (Advil), or naproxen (Aleve).   Those medications can work great for pain relief for the occasional aches and pains. However, when they are used day after day over long periods of time, they can become dangerous.
   Chroni ...

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