Avoid the Flu Naturally

  The Centers for Disease Control recommends most everyone should get the flu shot each year, with special attention given to people in high-risk groups (See cdc.gov/flu for more details).  However, this recommendation is not without controversy. The evidence of the effectiveness of the flu shot is conflicting, and some concern exists about the safety of the mercury found in the shot itself. 
   But anyone can take steps to reduce the chances of getting the flu -- whether you get the shot or not.  Building your immune system, combined with a little bit of common sense, is critical to staying healthy during the cold and flu season.
   Much of this advice is not new.  The fact that you have heard some of it before indicates that these tried-and-true measures have stuck around for a reason -- they work!
   Eighty percent of your immune system is in your gastrointestinal tract.   That’s why many of the tips below have to do with food and drink choices.
Drink Plenty of Fluids
   Staying hydrated will support all of the functions of your body, especially that of your immune system.  During the dry winter months, it is important to drink extra fluids to stay hydrated. Drink tea, eat broth-based soups, and keep a bottle of filtered water at your side.  But avoid sugary drinks and concentrated fruit juices, which can actually be harmful to your immune system. &nb ...

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