Who Will Tell the Truth?

   Our government is full of liars.  How can you possibly believe anything they tell you?
   I’m not just talking about the Obama White House, I’m talking about government in general.
   How can people act the way that they do?  Don’t they have a functioning conscience?  Isn’t there anything in them that makes them feel queasy when someone catches them “misspeaking” or “mis-remembering?”  (Yeah, that one takes the cake for made up words.)  The co-conspiring, lying media permits, and often abets, them in getting away with their deceit.
   I feel bad when I lie.  I feel bad when I misspell a word in one of these writings.  I feel bad when I repeat something that I believed to be true, but later turns out to be false.  I feel bad if I cheat in golf.  I feel bad when I’m late to a meeting.  I feel bad whenever I say something that someone took the wrong way.  I feel bad when my wife is taken advantage of.  
   But we are governed by people who no longer appear to have a functioning conscience.  (I wrote a piece on this a couple of years ago titled ‘Governed by Sociopaths’).
   Lying is one thing, but not being bothered by lying is something worse…far worse.  Let’s face it: those who are supposed to protect the “public trust” are ...

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