Feminism, The Patriarchy and the Demonizing of Men, Maleness and Masculinity (Part 2)

   In describing the above timeline, even now I am incredulous regarding how very distorted and full of half truths, full blown lies and political manipulation these movements really were and still are now. Nevertheless, men felt the full impact of the hatred of men and maleness and predictably, terms such as “father knows best” began to be mocked, scoffed at and ridiculed. Indeed, just say those words inside yourself as you read this now and note what thoughts or feelings come up inside.
   In this climate, many men simply decided to withdraw.  Many men withdrew into sports, hunting, fishing, extreme sports and the ever present consuming of adult beverages. Men who bought the demeaning of men internalized shame and guilt about being male, particularly about using male power in the family, in the community or in public. It was during these years, I believe, that lawlessness in the investment/banking world, corporate world and the world of pornography and addictions of all sorts skyrocketed. With no males willing to speak up, set limits and claim their authority for fear of being called a male pig, a chauvinist, or sexist, many opted for becoming the new softer/gentler male without a spine of course and always with an addiction to females front and center.
   A male who hasn’t had an actual father who was connected to Christ, took his direction from Christ and exercised leadership by setting limits and making d ...

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