The New World Order's War on Our Veterans

Wisconsin Christian News:  
   What I have to say might sound shocking or you will think that I am crazy. The United States of America is no longer a Constitutional Republic. Nor are we of the people, by the people and for the people. We are no longer a free nation, we are owned by global corporations. Keep an open mind and do the research yourself. All the wars, police actions, etc. that we have had in our recent history are not for our nation’s defense, but rather to rape the resources out of various nations for corporate profit. 
   We align ourselves with the wrong side and put in puppet leaders that will toe the company line. The media and our government vilify a good populist leader and then later destroy them.
   Our veterans are a threat to this global system. These men and women are trained in many areas that can be used against a government that wants complete control. Take vaccines and other shots that the military are given. When I was in the U.S. Army Reserve and the Wisconsin Army National Guard, I asked what all the various shots I was given were for and they would not tell me.
   You have a very high rate of suicide, mentally ill veterans and many ...

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