There is No Wellness Without God

   What is meant by the statement that “there is no wellness without God?”  Let’s take it a step at a time to unpack and draw out the core concepts behind this assertion.
   For God to be God, clearly there can be no deception, deviousness or lies involved.  As Christians, we know that God’s kingdom is a kingdom of truth.   Without truth, we are in the realm of the world; the world of lies, deceit, greed, power/control etc.   When here, we miss the mark. 
   When I hear, listen to and act on truth, I am in God’s realm.  So how do we know truth when we encounter it, either from within or from without?  Clearly, God’s written word is truth.  The Holy Spirit reminds us of these truths continuously along our daily walk.  In addition, when truly internalized and acted upon, we know that these truths can become written in our own hearts.
   Have you ever noticed that when you tell the truth, you lighten up, you have more energy, less tension, less heaviness?  This is the essential nature of truth, it is life giving.  Our bodies are wired for truth.  When one tells the truth, the autonomic nervous system lets go, and we begin to relax.  Research tells us that when we tell the truth, our body’s  killer t-cells increase, rendering us better to able to ward off bacterial and viral invaders, thus leading ...

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