Is the Gospel of the Grace of God Exclusive?

  We are living in a time in which many are claiming that the exclusiveness of the Gospel of the Grace of God in Jesus Christ makes it offensive to non-Christians and therefore should not be spoken of to others by believers.  In other words, they are saying that the Gospel of Jesus Christ should be banned from the public forum of discussion.  That is to say, Bible believing Christians should not be allowed to express their beliefs or share their worldview with non-Christians.  After all, they say, to tell someone that their beliefs are wrong and that faith in Jesus Christ alone is able to open the door of Heaven to them might damage them psychologically and make them feel bad about themselves.  After all we are now living in an age of “all-inclusiveness” in which there is no right or wrong way about anything and all views must be accepted as true.  That is unless it is the exclusive view of Biblical Christianity, which those who claim to tolerate all views seem to refuse to tolerate.  The contradictory nature of this post-modern philosophy of life is hard to miss, except by those who do not want to recognize it.
   So, we ask, is Biblical Christianity really as exclusive as is being claimed today.  Well, we have to admit that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a one of a kind message.  When looked at beside all of the various worldviews, philosophies, and religions of the world, it does stand out as unique. ...

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