Good Advice from J. Vernon McGee

Editor, Wisconsin Christian News:
   Thank you for the informative news and the people that write the articles that are so relative to today.  I believe that we would all benefit in growing in God’s Word by digesting the words of the late, great J. Vernon McGee.
   In Micah, he explains that, “his message is relevant for our day because certain principles are laid down.  Micah gives a philosophy of human government that deals with that which is false and true authority in government.”  Vernon says that “it would be a good book for both Republicans and Democrats in Washington to consider.  Also, it wouldn’t hurt them to look at God’s philosophy of government, because very candidly, their form of government is not working today.  The reason it cannot work properly is because it originally was put together by men, who, although some of them were not Christians, had a respect and reverence for the Bible.  They felt that the great principles stated in the Bible were worth following and therefore they wove them into warp and woof of our government.  It will never work in the hands of godless men.  The ‘character’ of a ruler is of utmost importance.”
   Micah 2:3, “Therefore saith the Lord;  Behold against this family do I devise an evil, from which ye shall not remove your necks;  neither shall ye go haught ...

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